Just a few words to wish all of you a holy and blessed Christmas and a peace-filled New Year.

Keeping Christmas

Christmas came…

birthing light and life,

sheltering that life

in the silent stillness

of a winter’s night

within the darkness of a stall

And the world slept…


Many of our sisters trace their introduction to the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia to their educational history and Sr. Eileen Valerie Kulacz is no exception. However, for most sisters that introduction involved a student/teacher relationship.


Canticle of Creation

We hold the Earth



In hands that choose

To share its life

Or close and choke that life with human greed.

We hold the sun

Whose powered rays can light our world

And power Earth

For evil

Or for good.

Sr. Karen Pourby’s journey to becoming a Sister of St. Francis of Philadelphia followed a somewhat circuitous route. She grew up in Binghamton, New York, where she attended public schools. During those same years she also attended parish CCD classes.


It's been a while since I introduced you to one of our sisters--one on one! This time I'd like you to meet Sr. Margaret O'Brien.

During her “growing up years” in County Cork, Ireland, Sr.


Our relationship with our Muslim friends from the Zubaida Foundation continues to grow as we share with one another various aspects of our faith traditions. In June we met at Our Lady of Angels Convent.

I remember very clearly the day I learned what prejudice was. I may not have learned the word but the concept became clear in a way that left me confused and shaken and unable to grasp the reality.


It's not often that we have one of our sisters celebrating a century of life AND 80 years as a Sister of St. Francis of Philadelphia. This year Sister Angela Patrice Power is the second sister within a few months to do so this year! Our communications director, Florence Smith, interviewed Sr.


March 23rd, 2018

Each year--usually in March--we celebrate Charism Day on which we take a deeper look into what it is that underlies our life as Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia.


On Saturday I had the great privilege of attending a dual celebration for Sr. Jean Clare Rohe--her 80th jubilee and her 100th birthday. The following article was written by our communications director, Florence Smith, after interviewing Sr. Jean.


I am not by any stretch of the imagination a singer but I love music and often find a source of prayer in the lyrics of songs--both religious and secular.


As always, I love sharing stories about our sisters with my blogger friends. Today let me introduce Sr. Mary Ann McCarthy.

Sr. Mary Ann McCarthy’s first encounter with the Sisters of St. Francis was not particularly auspicious.


I know it's a bit late but I thought my blogger friends would enjoy the article I did about the super bowl for our internal publication that goes to all of our sisters.


I'm always proud and happy to share the stories of our sisters. I hope you enjoy this article on our Sr. Geralda Meskill!

Sr. Geralda Meskill’s acquaintance with the Sisters of St. Francis began when her older sister, Sr. John Helene, entered the congregation. Sr.


Advent has always been one of my favorite liturgical seasons because there is usually a sense of hopefulness about it. Lately, however, I've been feeling that the state of our world doesn't leave much room for hope.


Sunday afternoon I went over to our retirement residence to be part of their annual Christmas party. Ostensibly my reason for going was to take photos to be used for our various publication, my blog, social media, etc.


Earlier this month we held a fundraiser for our volunteer program--Franciscan Volunteers: No Risk, No Gain.


Our sisters who live here at the motherhouse in Aston or in the surrounding areas have developed a wonderful relationship with the churches of other denominations in the area.


On Sunday, August 27, three young women joined the sisters and several of our Franciscan Companions in Mission members for Mass, during which they committed themselves to a year of service in ministries associated with our congregation.


Spokane's People's Climate Rally

The ad inviting people to the Spokane People’s Climate Rally read “Learn about local problems and solutions at a community rally for jobs, justice, and climate. Show your support for clean air, clean water, good jobs, and renewable energy.” Srs.


Our Sr. Jean Ustasiewski wrote the following article for the most recent issue of our newsletter.

Something new is in the air at Assisi House! Our retired sisters are engaged in a series of bowling tournaments between residents of St. Francis Hall and Marian Hall--via Wii Games. I was invited to attend the first tournament on May 19 to take photos.

What’s Happening on the Hill

The following article was written by Mary Stover who works with our  sisters at Assisi House, our retirement residence in Aston, Pennsylvania. Hope you enjoy it!

Happy spring to one and all!  How delighted we are here at Assisi House to see the sun shining again.


Well, here we are--the final part of my series on gratitude! Let's examine my final six items.


Happy May! I hope you all had a good weekend!! Here we are--down to Part 4 of the ABCs of Gratitude! What can I say about P,Q,R,S,T?


Poetry has had an off again/on again role in my life. I remember telling my 9th grade English teacher that I didn't like poetry.


OK...let's look at K, L, M, N, O!


We tend to talk a lot about charity and love. While they are, indeed, very powerful gifts or virtues, there is a "bigness" or largeness about them that somehow makes them seem a bit "beyond." Love is of God.


Hope you all enjoyed Part 1. Let's continue with Part 2 of the things for which I am grateful! Part 3 will be coming soon!


I will be eternally grateful for my family and the values with which they gifted me. My immediate family are all deceased as are my aunts and uncles.


I've been rather lax with my blog during this past year or so and I'm trying to get it back on track. One thing I missed out on was the 2017 A-Z Challenge which ends this week. So...as part of my efforts to reform, I'm going to do my own version of the challenge: The ABCs of Gratitude.


A few days ago I was browsing YouTube looking for a song to use for a reflection. I found one that I'd never heard before and was drawn immediately to everything about it.


Our sisters are involved in numerous ministries--all of the serving the needs of others in one way or another. Below are just a few examples of how their work has been recognized recently!


If you’re on Facebook, you might want to check out the page for Hallahan High School in Philadelphia. Sr. Ida Marie Nicklas made the news on several occasions this past month. On March 6 Hallahan pasted an announcement that Sr. Ida had been named Alumna of the Month.

On March 23, Dr. Rosalie Mirenda and her husband, Tony Mirenda, joined the sisters at Our Lady of Angels Convent for an afternoon liturgy and dinner in recognition of Dr. Mirenda’s upcoming retirement from Neumann University.

In recent years the sisters at Our Lady of Angels Convent have hosted an annual tea party for our employees—and this year was no exception.


I've always loved this hymn and although it would probably be considered "old" by today's standards, I think it has a definite message for today's world. As I sit here and listen to the words, that message seems even clearer. It seems that our world is an "I" world rather than a "We" world.

Sr. Mary Smith serves as director of pastoral services for our congregation and is assisted by a team of sisters.

Sr. Mary Smith's connection with the Sisters of St.

I have to admit that I know little or nothing about shepherds--other than they take care of sheep! And I know even less about sheep except the fact that in both song and story they seem to cause shepherds a lot of trouble! But I do like Psalm 23 because it is comforting--actually reminds me of a mot


The article below was written by Sara Marks, director of our Franciscan Volunteers: No Risk, No Gain program. The program which offers young women and men an opportunity to serve for a year in a ministry in which our sisters are involved, is in its second year.


Sometimes music simply says it all!

The post below was written by Sr. Mary Jo Chaves who is the coordinator of one of our Companions in Faith groups--this one located in Portland, Oregon. The San Damiano Cross referred to in the article is the one pictured to the right.

This film, Energy of Nuns, was created by Julie McElmurry from Franciscan Passages. Julie interviewed sisters from various parts of the country about their work with people who are poor or underserved. Three of the sisters in the film are from my congregation, the Sisters of St.

Special Christmas blessings to all of my blogging, facebook, and twitter friends! 

Finding Christmas

Searching for love

In lives that hate,

Searching for peace

In a world at war,

Searching for goodness

Amidst shreds of evil,

Searching for hope

In a world grown cold.


Here it is--just what you've been waiting for...the Sisters of St.

When we reflect on our vocation stories, we usually recall one or more individuals who served as a deciding factor in our choice of which congregation we would ultimately enter. For Sr. John Celeste Weitzel, that decisive voice was her mother’s. In elementary school Sr.


People in Chester know Sr. Jean Rupertus. The fact that Sr. Jean was born in the Highland Gardens section of Chester and attended Resurrection Parish School is somewhat incidental to her reputation. Why people know her is that both as the director of Anna’s Place and a Sister of St.

About Me
About Me
Special Franciscan Welcome!
Special Franciscan Welcome!
Special Franciscan Welcome!
This beautiful sculpture of St. Francis greets all visitors to our motherhouse.
Welcome to Franciscan Life!
Welcome to Franciscan Life!
I hope you enjoy reading about what is important to us as Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, about the normal routine of my life and the lives of my sisters, and about the way we try to live out our Franciscan heritage.

Our Mission Statement (1986)
We the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, choose to live the Gospel in the prophetic spirit of Francis of Assisi and our Foundress Mother Francis Bachmann. With Jesus Christ as Brother, we live as sister with one another, with the entire human family, and with all creation. Calling ourselves and one another to continuous conversion of heart, we commit ourselves to a life of contemplation, poverty, and humility. As vowed women of the Church, we respond with diverse gifts in a spirit of collaboration and of mutual service to the needs of others, especially the economically poor, the marginal, and the oppressed. Seeking to participate in the Spirit's action in the world, we direct our personal and corporate resources to the promotion of justice, peace, and reconciliation. Filled with trust in the goodness of God, we move forward.

Commitment Statement (1996)
We recommit ourselves to "rebuilding the Church" by the living passion of the Gospel in the discerning of our Franciscan charism and tradition. We are willing to take the necessary risks to be a healing, compassionate presence in our violent world, especially with women, children, and those who have no voice. We desire to reflect this commitment in our dialogue with the entire Church, in our own governing structures, and in our relationship with one another as sister.

NEED A PRAYER? Visit our website, www.osfphila.org. Under "Prayers" you'll find a link to "Request A Prayer." These requests are prayed for by the sisters at our motherhouse and at our retirement residences. Or you can leave a comment on my blog and I'd be happy to send the request for you. Hope to hear from you!

Mother Francis Bachmann
Mother Francis Bachmann
Mother Francis Bachmann
Our Foundress
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