Just a few words to wish all of you a holy and blessed Christmas and a peace-filled New Year.

Keeping Christmas
Christmas came…
birthing light and life,
sheltering that life
in the silent stillness
of a winter’s night
 within the darkness of a stall
And the world slept…

Come, we pray,
into the darkness of our world—
a world that sleeps…unaware.
Calm our fears,
gentle our hearts,
fill our chaos with your calm,
and gift our world...
once more…
with your gifts
of newness and of love…
the gifts of Christmas! 

                                               Ann Marie Slavin, OSF

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About Me
About Me
Special Franciscan Welcome!
Special Franciscan Welcome!
Special Franciscan Welcome!
This beautiful sculpture of St. Francis greets all visitors to our motherhouse.
Welcome to Franciscan Life!
Welcome to Franciscan Life!
I hope you enjoy reading about what is important to us as Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, about the normal routine of my life and the lives of my sisters, and about the way we try to live out our Franciscan heritage.

Our Mission Statement (1986)
We the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, choose to live the Gospel in the prophetic spirit of Francis of Assisi and our Foundress Mother Francis Bachmann. With Jesus Christ as Brother, we live as sister with one another, with the entire human family, and with all creation. Calling ourselves and one another to continuous conversion of heart, we commit ourselves to a life of contemplation, poverty, and humility. As vowed women of the Church, we respond with diverse gifts in a spirit of collaboration and of mutual service to the needs of others, especially the economically poor, the marginal, and the oppressed. Seeking to participate in the Spirit's action in the world, we direct our personal and corporate resources to the promotion of justice, peace, and reconciliation. Filled with trust in the goodness of God, we move forward.

Commitment Statement (1996)
We recommit ourselves to "rebuilding the Church" by the living passion of the Gospel in the discerning of our Franciscan charism and tradition. We are willing to take the necessary risks to be a healing, compassionate presence in our violent world, especially with women, children, and those who have no voice. We desire to reflect this commitment in our dialogue with the entire Church, in our own governing structures, and in our relationship with one another as sister.

NEED A PRAYER? Visit our website, www.osfphila.org. Under "Prayers" you'll find a link to "Request A Prayer." These requests are prayed for by the sisters at our motherhouse and at our retirement residences. Or you can leave a comment on my blog and I'd be happy to send the request for you. Hope to hear from you!

Mother Francis Bachmann
Mother Francis Bachmann
Mother Francis Bachmann
Our Foundress
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