Just a few words to wish all of you a holy and blessed Christmas and a peace-filled New Year.
Just a few words to wish all of you a holy and blessed Christmas and a peace-filled New Year.
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Sr. Eileen Valerie Kulacz, OSF |
Sr. Eileen Valerie works on a committee report. |
Sr. Eileen Valerie and Sr. Marguerite O'Beirne compare calendars to avoid possible conflicts in scheduling. |
Neumann students, Olivia Gilbertson and Lena Farrell, members of the Neumann University work/study program, check with Sr. Eileen Valerie about their clerical duties. |
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Sr. Eileen Valerie (upper left at computer) takes minutes at a meeting of the Mission and Ministry Team. |
Sr. Karen (center) meets with Sr. Clare Wieckowski (left) and Sr. Michelle O'Brien to review new updates from Medicare. |
Sr. Karen talks to an employee at Heilman Auto Repair about one of the congregational cars. |
Sr. Clare D'Auria asks Sr. Karen's advice about an incident with the congregational car that she drives. |
Sr. Karen checks out schedules for online driving courses and AARP driving courses for sisters over 70. |
Sr. Karen check the tire on one of the congregational cars. |
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Sr. Margaret O'Brien, OSF |
Sr. Christa Marie Thompson explains to Sr. Margaret what needs to be done in preparation for an arriving retreat group. |
Sr. Margaret O'Brien makes sure that the plants in the Franciscan Spiritual Center have sufficient water. |
Sr. Margaret prepares a set of name tags for an upcoming retreat. |
Sr. Margaret Makes sure that the books in the Greccio Library are filed correctly. |
Sr. Margaret makes sure that the racks outside of the foundation office are sufficiently supplied with cards and copies of our latest Good News magazine. |
Sr. Kathleen Parisi shows Sr. Margaret the new birthday cards for donors. Margaret assembles the cards which the sisters in Assisi House will sign and mail. |
Sr. Anne Amati explained the varied steps that lead to canonization in the Catholic Church and the requirements for each steps. |
Maria Orlandini used the film Romero to illustrate the story of Archbishop
Romero efforts to obtain justice and his subsequent assassination.
of the audience listened intently to explanations of what led to Archbishop
Romero’s involvement in helping his people find justice.
Some of the sisters that Sr. Angela Patrice welcomed at the doors of the convent in Mallow were on hand at her jubilee/birthday celebration to sing one of her favorite hymns--"Salve, Regina." |
During the Mass Sr. Angela renewed the vows she first made 80 years ago. |
Sr. Angela's family and friends were present for Mass and for the celebratory dinner and the food services staff (below) led the singing of Happy Birthday. |
Bishop Thomas Gumbleton |
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Baby ...
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I've moved! Please come visit my new blog over at Little House in Chicago. Thanks!
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Learning to Serve, Heal and Renew
¡Hola to all!
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in the last twelve months...
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haven't live...
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